Entries Tagged 'Uncategorized' ↓

Briggs chapter 10: managing news as a conversation

According to Briggs, now that news is a conversation, one of the greatest challenges facing journalists is how to manage, and leverage, that conversation.  To prove Briggs’ point, it is best to bring up a quote from one of the most famous journalists of all time, Edward R. Murrow. “The speed of communication is wonderful […]

Tech blog item #5: STAR workshop #1 Zotero 101

Zotero is a free program provided by the Firefox database that captures, stores and organizes a variety of information resources.  It is a program that helps create your own reference library.  The STAR workshop that I attended helped enhance my skills in citing sources and also in finding a new way to create a bibliography. […]

Tech blog item #4: Mark Potts’ “10 Tips For Suddenly Unemployed Journalists”

When browsing through a blog, is there anything better than coming upon an article that gives you tips on finding another journalism job?  Well, that’s what you get when coming upon Mark Potts’ “Recovering Journalist” blog.  Since there are plenty of journalists who are out of work, Potts thought it was necessary to speak for […]

Tech blog item #3: Mark Potts’ “Recovering Journalist”

Since this is the first of many blog items on Mark Potts’ “Recovering Journalist” blog, it’s necessary to go over the format that is distributed on his page.  First, there should also be a little background on who Mark Potts is and why I am blogging about his work. Mark Potts has been a journalist […]

Chapter 7: Making audio journalism visible

Briggs points out that with just a microphone, recorder and free software, you can create full-featured segments that sound like radio episodes and distribute them as podcasts to build a loyal audience.  This is what this chapter is all about: audio journalism. So why is audio journalism important? Capturing in words a story’s particular sights […]

Tech blog item #2: About me page

Well, where to start.  It’s always difficult to do an “about me” page because you usually don’t feel comfortable talking about yourself too much in great detail.  I’ll try to keep it short and sweet.  My name is Alex Howard and I am from Park Ridge, NJ.  It’s a small town right outside of the […]

Chapter 6: Visual storytelling with photgraphs

The expression, “a picture is worth a thousand words” says what it means.  Each picture tells a story and each story captures a certain light.  In this chapter, Briggs discusses everything there is to know about the digital age and how it has had a greater impact on photography than any other single skill or […]

George Allen: “It’s time for an American comeback.”

The video conference with former Virginia Senator George Allen was an experience that should be treasured for a long time.  It’s not often you can share an experience with a governor, former senator and son of a former hall of fame professional football coach. A key topic Allen discussed was about his upcoming campaign for […]

Chapter 5: Going mobile

Now, when I first hear of the words, “going mobile” the first thing that comes to mind is the classic song by The Who. Believe it or not, there are parallels between the song and Chapter 5 of Briggs.  The song is all about moving and to keep moving at a rapid pace so you […]

Briggs chapter 4: Microblogging; write small, think BIG

Just when you thought blogging was enough, a new concept called “microblogging” hit the scene within the last few years.  The best example of microblogging is Twitter, which is quickly becoming more and more popular each day.  Everyone, including all news outlets, now seem to have a Twitter account all of a sudden. Since this chapter […]